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Teacher Awards Application Form

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Your email addresses are different. Please check.

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What is the name of your Principal?*

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Have your informed your principal that your are applying for this award?*

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You will not be able to apply for the teacher's award unless Spelling Bee has your consent to contact your principal to discuss your application. Please change your response in the previous question to yes if you would like to continue.

Brief academic history*

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Brief work history*

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What are you core beliefs in teaching? (no more than 100 words)*

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Explain your spelling or language programme or initiative, what it involves and how it fosters a love of words in your students (no more than 300 words)*

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Detail how being a 2021 New Zealand Teacher Award recipient would help your professional or personal development (no more than 100 words)*

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Attach your CV - Optional (.pdf, .doc or .docx format)

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Any support material such as photos, programme material etc - Optional (doc, docx, pdf, jpg format).

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Any comments or questions?

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Are you a human?

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Apply Now!

Click here to apply now for the New Zealand Spelling Bee
Award for Teachers.

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